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How Do I Connect My Social Media Accounts?

How Do I Connect My Social Media Accounts?

With Tekmatix Create, you can both schedule your social media posts and also review your analytics for ads, reviews, and more! ...more

Social Planner ,Conversations &Social Media

April 17, 20246 min read

How to schedule Posts in Bulk on the Social Planner (CSV)

How to schedule Posts in Bulk on the Social Planner (CSV)

Scheduling Social Media posts in bulk with the help of a CSV file can be the most optimal time-saving technique for scheduling in advance for the social journey. CSV is a “comma-separated values” file... ...more

Social Planner

April 15, 20235 min read

How to connect to your LinkedIn Profile(s) and Page(s)?

How to connect to your LinkedIn Profile(s) and Page(s)?

Connect Linkedin Profile and Page(s) ...more

Social Planner

November 27, 20221 min read

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