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Website Sales Setting

Website Sales Setting

October 18, 20221 min read

Editing Sales Tab

This page gives sales data from Version 1 (the Pre-upgraded version) of this funnel. All orders/sales on version 2 (Upgraded version) of this funnel are available in the Payments -> Transactions tabs.

Landing Page/Website

Sales Info

By clicking on this icon you get more information about the funnel URL.

How To Send Traffic to Funnel URL

Use the Funnel URL to send traffic to your funnel. This URL will always take visitors to the first page in your funnel.

You can change the domain name or path in the Websites Settings.

Landing Page/Website

Date Range

Here you can filter the data by adjusting the date range of this data. Click on the date range icon to drop down the calendar menu, then select the range you want to work with.

Landing Page/Website

Page View Filter

You can filter the number of data per page; 10, 25, or 100 by clicking on this drop-down menu.

Landing Page/Website


You can download the Sales data by clicking on this download button. It downloads as a CSV. file.

Landing Page/Website

Sales List

  1. Customer

    This column shows the names of all customers that purchased your product/services.

  2. Email

    ****This shows the email of the customer that purchased your product/services.

  3. Product Name

    Here you will see the names of the products/service purchased by customers.

  4. Transaction ID

    This column shows the unique transaction ID of each product purchased by customers.

  5. Amount

    ****This shows the price each customer purchased your products/services.

  6. Step

    The "Step" column shows the type of the product

  7. Purchase Date

    This shows the date and time at which each purchase is made

Landing Page/Website

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