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How to Fix Your SMS Settings if You Failed to Send SMS

How to Fix Your SMS Settings if You Failed to Send SMS

August 22, 20231 min read

How to Fix Your SMS Settings if You Failed to Send SMS

You may be having trouble sending SMS messages through the app. This article will help you determine the issue by going through your Twilio account.

What you will need

  • Twilio Account

Step 1: Go to your Twilio Account → Ensure that your ‘SID’ and ‘Auth Token’ are in place → Go to ‘Settings’ → ‘Twilio’ → and check if they have the same ‘SID’ and ‘Auth Token’.

Step 2: Go to Sub-Account → check if the ‘SID’ and ‘Auth Token’ are the same

Step 3: Go to Manage number → Phone Number → Ensure that webhook URL’s are correct. See GIF (since this is just a demo account we don’t have an active number yet

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