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 Calendar Availability for Service Calendars

Calendar Availability for Service Calendars

April 24, 20241 min read

Calendar Availability for Service Calendars

This enhancement empowers users to configure availability for service calendars. Now, in addition to staff availability, the system will also consider calendar availability when determining free slots.

What's New?

  • Previously, service calendars only checked the availability of staff members when determining available slots, creating constraints for businesses.

  • With this enhancement, we've introduced Calendar Availability, allowing users to set up their service calendars' availability similar to other calendar types.

  • Now, users can configure weekly working hours and date-specific hours for their service calendars.

  • When calculating available slots, both the configured calendar availability and the staff member's availability 1will be considered.

How to Use?

  1. Navigate to calendar settings.

  2. Select your service calendar or create a new one.

  3. Access the availability settings.

  4. Configure your weekly working hours and/or date-specific hours.

  5. Click on save.

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