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Test Email Error Troubleshooting

Test Email Error Troubleshooting

August 31, 20231 min read

When testing a campaign email, you may receive a popup notification with an error message that states "An error occurred, please try again." The message will look like this:

Test Email Error Troubleshooting

Check the following to ensure your email test can send:

  1. Ensure the custom values being used are valid. Be sure that custom values have proper brackets {{ }} (not just 1 {} or more than 2 {{{}}}). For example, {{contact.name}} or {{contact.city}}.

  2. Check the email address to ensure it follows proper format such as test@emaildemo.com

NOTE: Check out our other articles "How to Send a Test Email and SMS" and "How To Test A Campaign" for our best practice recommendations for testing emails in a campaign.

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