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Seamless Migration to CloudFlare

We've made migrating your existing domains to CloudFlare easier. No deletions and re-additions necessary! ...more


April 19, 20241 min read

Seamless Migration to CloudFlare

Domains - Migration of custom hostnames to CloudFlare

We are thrilled to announce the migration of custom hostnames for domains to CloudFlare. Get ready for a faster, safer, and more streamlined domain experience. ...more

Domain ,Funnels and Websites

April 12, 20241 min read

Domains - Migration of custom hostnames to CloudFlare

How to set up a dedicated sending domain within a Sub-Account

Email marketing is a great way to reach customers and increase sales. But if you're not careful, you could end up in trouble. A dedicated sending domain gives you control over what appears to be comin... ...more


December 05, 20223 min read

How to set up a dedicated sending domain within a Sub-Account

How to Add Domains in TekMatix

In this section, you can connect your website domains to your account which will give you the ability to build and manage your website directly inside your CRM! ...more


October 05, 20222 min read

How to Add Domains in TekMatix

Difference between CNAME and A Record

A CName points to a domain name, while an A Record points to an IPv4 address. Finding a CName record will spawn a new search, while finding an A Record will not. Improper CName records can result in a... ...more


October 03, 20222 min read

Difference between CNAME and  A Record
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