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5 Ways To Make Some Instant Sales - Even If You Have No Products To Sell Yet!

5 Ways To Make Some Instant Sales - Even If You Have No Products To Sell Yet!

January 08, 20241 min read

We all know that cash flow is King.

If you dont have cash coming in, you cannot stay open.

But did you know that you can make sales, even when you have no physical ‘thing’ to sell yet?

In this video tutorial, I walk you through 5 different ways that you can generate some quick cash, even without having built a product yet.

5 Ways To Make Some Instant Sales - Even If You Have No Products To Sell Yet!

  1. One-on-One Coaching & Consulting Calls:

Create an appointment calendar so that people can pay to book calls with you.

  1. Pre-Sell an Online Course:

You don’t have to have your course or coaching program ready to start making money from it. ‘Pre-selling’ is when you open the checkout early (usually for a special ‘early bird’ price) to get enrollments and income in asap. 

Use the courses area to pre-sell anything!

  1. Start a Monthly Membership: 

People want access to the expert - YOU.  

Start your membership simply with a monthly live Q&A session with you and open it up TODAY.

  1. Affiliate Marketing: 

Promote affiliate products or services within your niche using TekMatix blogs and email marketing. 

Earn commissions on sales. 

Become a TekMatix affiliate to get recurring monthly commission payments on all referrals.

  1. Run a paid webinar or workshop: 

Host webinars to showcase your expertise or promote affiliate products. 

TekMatix provides tools for webinar registration and promotion.

There are of course many other things that you can do, but that should keep you busy enough for now!

Happy Tekkin!

Sarah x

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